I know its quite possible to find your dream car within 10 miles
of your home in the states but up here in Canada it just doesnt happen. Ive bitten off every nail, ground down every
tooth and pulled every (yes every) hair out while waiting to find out if i get this car... stay tuned
to find out the results!
As it turns out, one of the seven deadly sins got the best of the previous owner.
I persisted steadily to purchase the car, even took a large hadful of cash to which he said ok "but needed 24hrs to think
it over" ??? WTF
He got a rediculously large offer from a Nelsonite (no suprise) and took it.
It supposedly still sits in his yard yet is "sold" so i dont know whats going on but am very dissapointed. Guess not every
story has a happy ending!